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Meditation and your personal deity’s qualities

Photocredit: Henriette Driessens - Light!

A Personal Deity is your guide in life and represents universal divine powers of spirits that are with you since the day you were born...maybe you have not noticed consciously, however, be aware that your personal deity is around and ready to help you at any time. You can tap into its energies without effort!

A Deity can be subscribed as expressions of the subconscious mind or a higher Intelligence that we all have access to, when in alpha state of mind. Scientists associate this state with our right brain activity, our subjective sense of imagination, our creativity, memory and intuition. It is a state where your brain wave activity slows down to 7-14 Hz, a so called relaxing state of the mind. This allows you to be more receptive, open, creative and less critical.

The use of meditation to access this state of mind once or twice a day at will is well known. It will bring you 'closer to yourself', and promote a better memory and recall, more focus, taking better decisions, more calmness as well as reduction of stress and anxiety. Actually, during sleep, we access the Alpha State quite naturally and also when day-dreaming. In fact many times throughout the day, your brain will dip into an alpha state, even awake with eyes open.

Unconsciously you might feel that you are good at certain subjects or you have certain qualities, that are 'easy' for you: like to envision things that come true, or to have infinite knowledge that is always available, or you are blessed with excellent speaker- and debater qualities or you are an ultimate networker. These are the qualities of the personal deity that is guiding you. And in your meditations and prayers, the contact with your personal deity can be strengthened by calling upon him/her.

In Qi Men Dun Jia, we add an extra layer and use the direction of your Destiny Palace, where your Destiny Deity resides, for meditation and commanding the Universe. Sit with your back to this direction while meditating for your personal High Speed Broad Band Connection to the Universe.

Specific qualities of the 10 Deities

  1. Chief Deity: (Zhi Fu), CEO: Boss of all deities! The deity of wisdom, benevolence, charisma, righteous, courteous, trustworthy, inspirational, natural power and authority, confident, honest, leadership, and their biggest virtue is to watch over the World. Chief can always ask all other deities and their qualities to come and be of aide!

  2. Surging Snake (Teng She) Deity, the intuitive and occult- or spiritual personality, non-conventional wisdom, gut feeling or intuition, sensitiveness, a touch of mystery. Quick learners, focussed, sharp thinkers, ability to concentrate in a powerful way. Scheming or cunning, cold and calculative. Sometimes in doubt, stressed, missing out on opportunities.

  3. Great Moon Deity (Tai Yin), the wisdom guide, the nature of the Moon, shining in all its beauty, wrapped in the mysterious darkness of the night. Softness in thoughts and emotions, and protective. Actions in darkness and concealment, introverted, creative instincts, ability to 'foresee', strategic thinking, a powerful intellect to solve problems.

  4. Harmony Deity (Liu He), the ultimate networker governs relationships, marriage, happiness, communication and co-operation, calm and pacifying, top negotiators, conflict resolvers, bringing people together, excellent peoples skills and networkers.

  5. Grappling Hook Deity (Gou Chen), the natural healer and the protector of elders and ancestors. Governs land, livestock, farmland, property and agriculture. Ability to access past lives and transcend into the spiritual world. Intuition and insight into the future. Out of the box thinkers, finding new ways or experiences. Loves to be in charge, self centred and emotionally reserved, struggles to express themselves. Sometimes lack of teamspirit, spreading rumours and gossips, short tempered, aggressive, stubborn and a sharp tongue.

  6. The White Tiger (Bai Hu), controls all forms of energy. Vigorous and powerful deity, intelligent, passionate, loyal, pro-active, courteous, focussed, a strong will. fair and White Tiger stands up for people who are oppressed. Also associated with aggression, destruction, rivalry, fights and ferocity. Physical strength and –activities as well as endurance are important qualities.

  7. Red Phoenix (Zhu Que), master of culture and 'spoken words', arguments, debates, articulate, animated, gifted speaker, art, documents, sealed information and intellectual property. Can's stop talking, affinity with viral marketing and persuasion and connected to promotions and progress, especially in politics - not backing down and mostly having the last word. Also about criticism, manipulation, quarrels. lawsuits, gossips, spreading rumours and dispute. Red Phoenix is a powerful deity in making wishes and curses come true, so be careful what you wish for!

  8. Black Tortoise (Xuan Wu),law-breaker or law-keeper. Solves problems through unconventional ways, master of mysteries and in getting the right contacts and winning trust, and achieving fame. Mind-reading, persuasion, winning arguments, fooling the opposition, deception and great at presenting people with illusions. Represents longevity, used for personal protection (pendants). Master of the weather, capable of ‘magic’ tricks in ways of mesmerising, influencing and enchanting. Powerful and persuasive speakers for crowds.

  9. Nine Earth Deity (Jiu Di): keeper of Mother Earth. Represents wealth, persistence, perseverance, kindness, compassion. Gentle and caring, quiet and virtuous. Prosperity and great respect for life in general. Slow- moving personality, and changes will not appear quickly, however results are good, precious and worthwhile. Long term planning, growth, stability, taking time and nurturing. Greatly concerned with medicine, wellness, morality and the female aspect. Risk averse, no quick gaines, no direct confrontations. Intuitive, self-healing abilities and gut feeling.

  10. Nine Heaven Deity (Jiu Tian): the power to envision. For clear thoughts, beauty, happiness, intelligence, victory in battle and successful pursuit of wealth and fame. The architects of the future, successful, achievement, hard-working, disciplined, planning, sharp focus, helping others, reach targets and achieve goals, looking for continuous improvement. Leading people by giving the example. Quick thinkers and fast communicators in an honest and direct way. Also drama, conflict and gossip and a narrow view of things.

For more specific and extensive information on the Dieties, please click the red texts.

Now…are you ready to tap into the Deities energies?!

Use our four months (one time) free Qi Planner Agenda, that will give you auspicious timings and directions to tap into the Deities energies. Please subscribe for the free trial here!

Wishing you the best of energies!


Photo credit: HD - light!