The Qi Factory

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Is the place where you live ‘your home’ or just a house?

Catching your dream…Buying a ‘Home’ is making the greatest dream come true for you and your family, and probably the most important decision and biggest investment that you make in your life. Many stakeholders are involved in building a house, from planning the concept, to drawing, to planning the building, interior design, selling and other service providers like banks and notaries. They are all making money in the process. As a buyer, you are not only interested in a house - being four walls with a roof - but you want a place of well-being, you want a ‘home’.'Home' is where you and your family feel healthy, energised and harmonious!The ‘Homes’, that I created for my own family became my passion, since I clearly understood the essence of energies either around the location or within the house in combination with the specific energy of the family members that lived in this house. The ‘feel-good’ factor has become the dominant factor when evaluating a house. Not the value in terms of money but the value of creating a home! All the other stakeholders do not care about the feel-good factor, and have less sympathy for my dream of creating a ‘Home’!This same passion swept over to several of my close friends, relatives and customers who have experienced a huge change through my involvement and personalised advise. They have come to the same conclusion that a ‘Home’ is much more than a house.For almost 20 years, I enjoyed, buying, renovating and selling houses. Why houses? Well…the Universe pointed them out to me and I just love them. It even brought me to the study of ‘Qi’ (Energy) that surrounds and inhabits working and living environments. Using these techniques with my own family members got the first positive results; our daughter proved to be much better in school and finished all of her studies with honours after using her most favourable direction at the study-desk, and my husband was healthier after years of serious problems. So, after many years of making ‘Homes’ for happy & healthy customers, I personally made it my mission to be the FIRST INTERMEDIARY to plan, renovate, sell and to care about and implement the most harmonious energies in a ‘Home’ by personalising all relevant energies for my customers!On my website you will find articles on ‘Qi’ (Energies), and in the ‘portfolio’ section only houses that have positive and harmonious basic energies. And I will further personalize them for you and your family.For YOUR PERSONAL Health & Wealth!I trust you sympathise with these basic thoughts about creating power places for yourself, instead of just surrendering to people who want to make money out of your desire to create a ‘Home’, but in essence are only interested in selling or conceptualising for the money!house without energy.jpg    From lack of energies......dscn0974 a personalised power place! Please do not hesitate and react to my aspirations and passion to help and assist you to find the right place with the right energies for harmony, health and wealth!Henriette.driessens@bluewin.chAll about ‘Homes’ and Living & Working environments

  • For making your home, business or office a real ‘power place’
  • Harmony in family- and business relations
  • Better sleep patterns & health
  • Success in business and personal affairs
  • More productivity, higher concentration and less stress
  • Optimal energy for people!

  Photo: ‘Dreamcatcher’ by James Handley