Good Vibrations: The Power of Crystals


By guest writer Lynda Lee AbdoWe are living in the age of a crystal revolution. We live on a crystal planet and are rediscovering the power of these special minerals. We may not be aware of it, but crystal quartz is one of the most plentiful substances in the earth’s crust. Crystal quartz has a special property that produces an electrical field when pressure is applied to the stone. They are a vital part of our current technology, yet had a special role in the past –as crystals have been discovered in ancient Babylonian and Egyptian tombs. We have harnessed their powers as semi-conductors for communications, computers, and our credit cards.Most minerals have a crystalline structure. This means the atomic structural pattern is geometric, regular, and thus -- very stable. Visually, crystals have symmetrical features and sets of faces with parallel edges. Our most beautiful gemstones are crystals. Mundane items such as sugar and salt are also crystalline. There are even crystals in our bodies, such as the apatite in our bones, or the adrenal hormones. Glass, obsidian, and plastic do not have this regular structure and are considered to be amorphous. The computer industry grow crystals in laboratories in order to control their symmetry-- so their ability to amplify energy is uniform. We have learned successfully to mimic nature and can even produce precious gemstones, such as emeralds, in laboratory conditions.Many ancient healing systems use crystals, and it is believed their regular structure has a stabilizing effect when applied to the body. Reiki, a form of energy medicine, often uses stones to improve physical function. There are many crystal-healing systems, but one of the most consistent is the ancient Vedic chakra system related to yoga. When working with chakras (energy vortices in the body) it is the color of the stone, or its light energy that has the healing potential. One theory suggests it is the “morphic field” of the stone that helps to strengthen the electro-magnetic field of the body (aura) through reflecting additional light. The human aura absorbs this additional light energy -- helping to balance and/or strengthen the body.Crystals can also be used in Feng Shui, as an earth element. The earth element is used to stabilize a home that is unbalanced. Special crystals can be used to either lift or activate the energy of a room, or calm it down -- or even redirect earth ley lines beneath the house that are causing problems.Crystal quartz is used for meditative practice, and even to help the manifestation of personal goals since it can act as a mental amplifier. Thoughts forms are a type of energy, and crystal grids are created to magnify conscious intentions and goals, such as the peace grid used in Karuna Reiki. Crystal grids are routinely laid out using a sacred geometry design. To activate these grids, individuals will put pressure on the crystal as they focus on a desired thought – then place the crystal in a specific pattern for best results.Crystals have unique abilities that include:Piezoelectricity  (mechanical pressure creates an electrical field).Pyro electricity  (heat creates an electric charge).Triboluminescence  (light is created from rubbing, breaking, or striking a stone) In other words, crystal quartz has the ability to create light! Science is mystified by this phenomenon! The Ute Indians from Colorado are one of the first documented groups of people who used ceremonial rattles with crystal pieces inside -- that could generate light when shaken.I am sometimes asked what is the most powerful crystal? The only crystal that has all three of these special properties is crystal quartz.Some of the more popular crystals include:Amethyst was named after a nymph who was pursued by the drunken god Dionysus. Calling out to Hera for protection, the goddess turned the nymph into a purple stone in the gnarly hands of Dionysus, who felt shame for his unbridled lust. Amethyst is said to provide protection and transformation. It works with the crown chakra (top of the head), and is considered to help neutralize addictive behaviors, especially alcohol. It is interesting to note that jeweled crowns were worn by rulers to help them make better decisions -- since the crown could amplify the top head chakra.Black Tourmaline is a popular mineral used to neutralize negative energy and is piezo/pyro electric. It has the ability to generate negative ions that are healthful/ calming for the body.Carnelian is a microcrystalline stone (crystals too small to see with the naked eye) that is a beautiful semi-translucent orange. It is used with the sacral chakra, and is said to aid fertility, creativity, and is especially beneficial for feminine energy.Citrine is the most popular stone used for prosperity, often used in Asian prosperity trees. It contains solar energy in its yellow color and works with the solar plexus, or your “will” strengthening your ability to accomplish goals. Most citrine in the marketplace is commercial, which means it is heat-treated amethyst that shifts its color to yellow.Crystal Quartz is the most popular crystal used to “amplify” your own mental thoughts through meditation or healing practices. Double terminated crystals are favored to create crystal grids and are said to allow energy to flow in both directions.Hematite, or any mineral high in iron ore, is said to be very “grounding,” since the earth’s core is also iron -- allowing the planet to be a big magnet. Iron is reddish in color and when the stone was cracked open and the powder mixed with water -- it was used as war paint for Native Americans, and as rouge for the French. The high iron content of the red dust was absorbed into the skin -- vitalizing the body.Jade is interwoven with Chinese history, and its beautiful green color works with the heart chakra.  Often carved, is used for prosperity, protection, health, and a bountiful life. As a precious stone, it was preserved for the emperor’s court and was known as the royal gem.Jasper has many beautiful varieties and is often mentioned in the Old Testament. Three of my favorites are: Mookaite, an Australian Jasper that comes in a variety of smoky pinks, yellows, and earthy reds (and can work with several chakras), Brecciated Jasper (reddish color with iron inclusions), and Picture Jasper (that has interesting landscape patterns formed by nature).Lapis Lazuli is a beautiful ultramarine stone with white billowy calcite and flecks of shiny pyrite. It can be used with the throat and/or pineal chakras to help self-expression, creativity, and psychic ability.Rose Quartz is a popular crystal for working with the heart chakra, and can amp up romance, compassion, and especially self-love. It has a soft, attractive pink color.Turquoise is sacred to Native Americans, and considered to be a marriage of “Father Sky” with “Mother Earth” since it is a mineral with the color of blue skies. It is used as a stone of protection and its peaceful azure color has a special calming effect.Selenite is a very popular stone having an ethereal translucent white color. It has a high vibration rate that can cleanse and charge all other stones --and most healers agree on its properties.There are many more beautiful crystals such as malachite, fluorite, calcite, Tiger’s Eye, and labradorite to name a few -- that I will explore in a later article. Crystal collecting can be enjoyed without spending too much money, is a great hobby, and unique crystals can be found even in your own back yard! What are you waiting for?For more information on metaphysics and Feng Shui, please visit my website at:© 2017 Lynda lee Abdo