Winter Solstice Activation on 21 December 2020!
Please share these activations!
The world is facing tremendous astronomical changes in the coming weeks! First marker is today’s Full Moon and the Solar Eclipse on December 14th. And yet to come, the most important marker: the Saturn/Jupiter Great Constellation on December 21st, 2020, moving us slowly but securely into the Age of Aquarius and the upcoming Period 9 (2024-2044) in Chinese Metaphysics.
These constellations are drivers for new and positive changes in our lives. Be open in the coming weeks and receive the subtile messages from the Universe and your inner source of Light, to unfold new meaning for your personal life.
To support these changes positively, we propose the following activation on December 21, 2020
As this day clashes with the Dragon, those with dragon in their charts, ask someone else to do the activation for you.
Stand in the middle of your house and find the following sectors with your compass for this home acupuncture activation:
Tiger/Gen Activation
To activate abundance, growth and Jupiter (the planet of expansion), as well as star 1 for future wealth and achievement: between Gen sector (North East 2) and Tiger (North East 3), best between 50-55 degrees.
Place a column of water with a pump inside the North East Sector at the degrees indicated above and move the energies for about two hours. Place the water as much as possible at the most external wall of your house or office
Switch the water pump on between 05.00-07.00 hours in North East sector, remove after two hours.
Geng Activation
To activate period 9, as well as the future wealth and achievement star 9: Geng, West 1 sector, between 250 - 260 degrees
Place 7 tea lights or candles: one in the middle and 6 around it equally diverted
Light the candles between 17.00-19.00 hrs in West 1 sector, remove after two hours
These activations will prepare us for the coming months of January and February and start the year with support of the Yang energies, bringing us movement, change and activity!
Wishing you great activations and sending Qi,