Make a wish for a healthy New Year!
Henriette M. Driessens - Winter Landscape
The Qi Factory & Team wishes you a sparkling New Year with excellent health, positive thoughts, innovation and inspiration and last but not least: stay in action mode at the right time and with the right direction!
For all of you that want to make a wish, there are important wish fulfilling days coming up on:
December 31st at 13.30 hrs, back to the South West (not for Tiger)
February 2, at 07.30 hrs, back to the East (not for Horse)
This very special moment equals your personal 'Broad Band Access to the Universe’. Prepare and think carefully on what you wish for...
At 13.30 hrs (07.30 hrs): sit with your back to the South West (or East) and make ONE wish.
Make your wish very clear.
Describe what the OUTCOME of your wish should be (do not describe a goal).
This timing can also be used to make a wish for other people!!!
For instance, if you wish your best friend to recover from an illness.
The Qi Factory: the power of body, mind, soul AND action!
Sending Qi, Henriette