The powerful energies and meditation of Lions Gate Portal!
Henriette M. Driessens - Energy Portal 2021
Every year, from July 26th - August 12th, the Lionsgate Portal sends massive energies to our planet Earth. The peak of this influx of high frequency energy is on 08.08, the eight of August. This specific day was already mentioned in the Mayan calendar and many ceremonies and rituals accompanied this special time.
What makes this timing so valuable?
During the peak of Summer, the star Sirius, also known as the Spiritual Sun, moves closer to Earth and at the end of July, Sirius aligns with the Sun, the Earth and Orions Belt. Especially on August 8, its energetic effect is on its height.
Sirius’ energy is activating and pushing us into a higher consciousness and awakening, and this is what makes 08.08 so significant. In the Southern Hemisphere, this happens in Wintertime, but the effects are equally strong as during Summertime in the Northern Hemisphere.
On August 8, Star Sirius rises in the sky and lines up with Orion’s Belt, which has three bright stars. All these stars, plus the fourth star Sirius, line up with the Pyramids of Giza.
Now Orion is connected to the Egyptian God Osiris, and Sirius to the Goddess Isis, which both were indicated as the creators of the whole of human civilisation. That was reason enough, to build the Pyramids of Gizeh for these important Egyptian Deities. The Lionsgate portal is said to be held open by two lions, sitting on either side of the gate, which also occurs during the astrological sign of Leo.
What happens during the Lionsgate Portal?
We, as humans, have an opportunity during this time, to become more creative, which raises your personal vibration and opens our ‘self’. This is a time for re-birth of the ‘true self’.
This energetic opening in space and time, which allows cosmic energy and information to reach planet Earth is there to give you new information, knowledge and physical ‘upgrades’ and triggers your personal interest in re-connection with your deeper roots and origin.
At first, this high frequency upgrade may induce feelings of fear, anxiety, and being ‘lost’ and one might feel sick during this time. This is due to the fact, that your chakras receive this extraordinary amount of energy and have to adapt. Wait till the closing of the Gate…for results….
Closing of Lionsgate Portal on August 13!
The official closing of the Lionsgate Portal on August 13, rewards us with completion, integration and progression into the future. Now it is time for you to go to work and make the most out of this downloaded energy for yourself.
With the special date of 08/08, we experience the power number 8. In Numerology, this number represents flow of energy, prosperity, power and sovereignty. This is your pathway to personal mastery, the balance of light and dark.
And….. if number 8 is your personal number you may be asked to step up and ‘prove yourself’ by shaking off all old layers of fear!
What to energetically initiate during the opening of Lionsgate?
As the energy is highly vibrational, use this timing to:
Activate the heart chakra and heal old and/or current heart wounds.
Awaken your third eye (6th) chakra. Use your intuition or learn something new.
Receive psychic downloads like dreams, spirit guides, guardian angels etc. Use meditation to open this energy.
Notice a sense for freedom to go after your dreams, speak your truth or do the things you desire!
Feel peaceful vibrations, take time to enjoy nature and mediation to tap into this energy.
Clear your chakra’s.
Innovate something new, for instance a high-tech discovery or change.
Take on a new creative project, or set up something new.
Use this auspicious timing for your special Lionsgate meditation!
August 8, 2020 between 09.00-11.00 hrs, with your back to South East
Beautiful shining Moon Deity is there for you to call upon. This Deity promotes self-reflection, wisdom, knowledge and supports mental health by meditation
This specific timing and direction will fulfil your aspirations and has many other features to aid you in your personal goals
How to meditate
Sit quietly with a straight backbone in a chair with your back towards the indicated direction, and go in MEDITATION mode.
Count backwards from 64 back to 0, so you and your mind are completely peaceful and concentrated.
Sit with your back towards the indicated direction. Have your goals (written or in your mind) ready!
COMMAND (!) the universe for your goals to be reached: Repeat slowly what you wrote down, in your mind or say it loud, whatever you prefer.
When you are finished, take an ACTION towards your goal or event. This action is absolutely necessary for the success. For instance, write a mail and push the button to send it off, write an article and publish it on your website, make a phone call, make an appointment, plan a meeting etc.
Wishing you a great activation of the Lionsgate Portal!
Sending heaps of Qi,