Boost your life with activation of the SUN STAR in 2021!
Photo Credit: Henriette Driessens - Maastricht Stars in the night
June 15, 2021, between 21.00 - 23.00 hrs, is an excellent timing to re-activate the Sun Noble Star for 2021!
On this establish day, with excellent energies, you will boost the following Sun Star qualities in your life!
Activation in your living- and working environment of
the Sun Star in Tiger - North East 3 sector, between 52,5 - 67,5 degrees. Minimalizes the inauspicious energies. This activation presents the high nobility to life, being one of the four noblemen stars. Opportunities arise, especially in terms of increasing wealth or expansion in business and career. Sun Star means support and assistance of male mentors. And please do accept this help as it means the much needed teamwork and exchange of knowledge for all partners.
Here is how to do the Activation!
Measure, as always from the center of your house or room and find the degrees.
Place a bucket of minimum 20 liter water within the degrees, and move with a little aquarium pump for two hours, and then remove.
By making noise, use music, move furniture, open a window/door or nail in this area.
You can light up this area for the whole year with a little lamp, especially for the Sun Star.
For nailing: find the middle of the indicated sector on your compass and take a nail and hammer and practice ‘acupuncture’ in this sector to activate the auspicious energies (no nailing if someone living in the house is pregnant).
Wishing you all a wonderful activation!
Sending Qi, Henriette