The truth about Dragons, Horses, Roosters and Pigs!
Henriette M. Driessens - Light!
Triggered by posts on Facebook or Linkedin, concerning Chinese Astrology, or BaZi or Eight Signs….
Many people are ready to scare the hell out of you with their posts on whatever happens when constellations are negative, which is much to my regret! There is no such thing as being really punished or clashed…. there are lessons to be learned in life!
Sometimes lessons come smooth and friendly, other times, it comes rapid, harsh and heavy. Why? Because otherwise you do not learn your lesson! The Universe is trying to teach you something new.
Here is my look on, for instance, the self-punishment of the constellations Dragon/Dragon and Horse/Horse, Rooster/Rooster and Pig/Pig…..These constellations can be in your personal BaZi chart, or in your 10 years life cycle or in the year-cycle.
To make things visible for you, we make the easy comparison: your BaZi chart is the ‘car’ that you get in life (race car, luxe limousine, an old rusted vehicle or a bike. The 10 years cycle is the road that you drive on, and the year cycle is the weather circumstances during your drive.
What is the meaning of the position of the animals involved?
Frist you have to know, what the meaning is of each pillar in your personal chart. In general, If there is a Dragon, Horse, Rooster or Pig::
in the year, it concerns your social network, your ancestors or your customer circle
in the month, it concerns your career, your close friends and family, your life path
in the day, it concerns yourself or your partner
in the hour, it concerns your thinking, your children, your dreams, desires and result in life
in your birth chart, something is on your personal and inside environment (check in which pillars)
in your birth chart and external 10 year- or year cycle: something is coming from external environment (check in which pillar)
What about the animals Dragon, Horse, Rooster or Pig?
When you have two of these animals meeting up in your charts, the old texts speak about punishment. This might have been true in the old days, where people needed to be made aware in a different way of the consequences. However nowadays, we are smarter than that!
Yes, punishments mean emotional turmoil, confusion, stress or, even self-sabotage and the act of finding excuses. However, if you, meaning your day pillar, are strong enough, you do not let a punishment destabilise your life. You learn the lesson and let if fly over… That’s how easy it is!
If you bump into a punishment, you have to agree to it and accept it as well…You can sit down and cry, feel sorry for yourself, live your emotional turmoil, or you can face this ‘opportunity’, and learn something new about your environment, your circumstances, and most of all about yourself!
By the way, if the opposite animal is in the 10 years-, or year cycle, then things really open up. The new lesson is kind of ‘forced’ upon you. Better be prepared, face the lesson and learn it quickly during that year! Go with the flow, don’t fight it. The sooner you learn your’ lesson, the sooner your car drives smoothly.
As the mighty dragons are earth animals, we talk: reluctant to change, as earth mountains are almost immovable and you are aware of this issue. The opposite animal Dog in 2018, 2030 + every twelve years will open you up to new (and mostly good) things.
The solution is: face the situation and accept the change!
Two horses, double fire element represents double pride! You feel that you are always correct and you do not need to learn new things. The opposite animal Rat in 2020 + every twelve years will teach your something new!
The solution is: get off your high horse (and learn something new)!
Roosters are judgemental and like to give advice, even when not asked for. The opposite animal Rabbit in 2023 + every twelve years, might open your awareness for it profoundly, however the Rooster still controls this issue: do I step back or not?
The solution is: step back, count to ten, overthink the situation before saying something!
Remember pigs running around on the farm, playing busybodies? They know it all, they are the Jack of all trades, and the master of none-syndrome. The opposite animal Snake in 2025 + plus every twelve years makes you aware, of your syndrome. However, the Pig stills controls if he wants to focus, or not!
The solution is: focus!
Let us know what your personal life lesson for 2020 is!
What is the topic that you want to work on: relationship(s), business, career, children, achievement, to find your passion, to live your life purpose, or what else?
With our Qi Planner, you work on these subject methodically by setting your targets, focus during meditations and be successful in achieving personal- or business goals.
Get on the path of personal transformation! Order the Qi Planner for 2020 here!
Sending Qi,